Sunday, July 21, 2013

Simple ways to survive your summer social life (#SimpleSunday) – By Shannon

In my opinion, the summer is the best time of the year - the beach, bbqs, pool parties, outdoor concerts, picnics - there are so many fun things to do. But all these festivities can sometimes make it difficult to make healthy choices.  Here are some simple ways to survive your summer social life. 

Contribute to the party and offer to bring food. 
More often than not, I will go to a party or BBQ and there are not many healthy choices. One way of getting around this dilemma is bringing your own food. And no, I don't mean doing this in a "I'm on a diet and cannot eat your food" kind of way. Your friends will straight up think you are weird and talk behind your back. I mean offer to contribute to the food spread and bring something that's healthy and that both you (and the other guests) will enjoy eating.  Things like lean meats and veggies that you can put on the grill (kabobs could be a big hit), healthy summer inspired foods (there are some great healthy options here) or a fruit bowl for dessert. There are ways to bring healthy options without looking like the perpetual dieter that can't enjoy themselves at a social gathering. Show your friends that healthy can be delicious.  Please leave the protein shakes at home! 

Make better drink choices. 
If you are planning on drinking alcohol, make better choices. We all know alcohol isn't healthy, but if you are like me and enjoy a cocktail every now and then, it's good to know what the better options are in terms of calories. My go-to drink is typically vodka and club soda. If you want to add a little flavor, consider adding some fresh fruit - a squeeze of lemon, lime or orange, or my new favorite technique is muddling fresh watermelon. 

Another drink that is refreshing and low calories is a white wine spritzer. It's 1/2 white wine and 1/2 club soda. My favorite wine to do this with is Riesling.  If mixing drinks is inconvenient, opt for a bottle of prosecco or champagne.  

If you absolutely need to have that frozen strawberry mango margarita, my advice is to just have one. It is ok to indulge every now and then, but I typically keep it under control by limiting myself.  Those sugary drinks have more calories than you want to know!

Not drinking alcohol?  There are plenty of non-alcoholic beverages that are fun and come without the hangover.  Be creative! 

Get active! 
You are most likely going to be outdoors, so it is a great reason to get active and burn off those extra calories you may have consumed.  Get the party started by bringing games – a frisbee, football, volleyball – activities that require little equipment and are good for a group of people.  You will be surprised how quickly everyone wants to join in the fun! 

Enjoy yourself, you’ve earned it. 
For those of you that follow me, you know I’m all about being healthy, but also enjoying life’s indulgences.  This is where the 80/20 rule comes into play.  If you are truly healthy 80% of the time, you can afford to treat yourself every now and then.  So if you have been spot on your diet all week, then you’ve earned that special treat on the weekend.  I also find that letting myself have those “indulgences” makes it easier to keep with my healthy eating plan.  If you slip up, don’t turn it into a 3-day feeding frenzy!  That is when you do the real damage and sabotage all the hard work you have been putting in.  Be smart about it and watch your portions.

Bottom line – enjoy the summer, have fun and make the best choices you can!

If you have any questions, please contact me at

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