Saturday, March 16, 2013

It's is a journey, not a destination - by Shannon

For many, getting "in shape" often tends to be something that is done to get ready for a specific event - the summer so you can look good in that bikini, a wedding so you look like the "perfect" bride or groom or your high school reunion so you can wow those classmates you haven't seen in years. It isn't easy to make a change, so I think motivation is great no matter where it comes from. I've always been healthy-minded, but I am definitely guilty of getting in shape for a specific occasion.  It is actually how I got involved in the Beachbody programs.  But looking back, I now understand how very important it is to adopt a healthy and fit lifestyle for the long run. The goal is not to stop at a specific destination, but continue to enjoy the ride and live a long, healthy and enjoyable life!

Eat like this 80% of the time....
One way I'm able to keep myself in good shape pretty much year round is by practicing moderation. I'm not one of those fitness fanatics that eats plain grilled chicken 3 times a day and won't touch sugar with a 10-foot pole. I've done many of the "fad diets"throughout the years: no carb, low carb, fat free, low cal, cabbage soup (ewe, the worst!) - the list goes on and on.  What did I learn?  They didn't work for me or are not sustainable for the long term.

I like good food and it likes me. I have sugar in my coffee every morning (gasp!) and sometimes a glass of wine (or 2 or 3 depending on the occasion) with dinner. The reason I am able to do this is because I eat healthy about 80% of the time. I allow myself to enjoy things I like, but know when I need to cut back. I know this isn't easy for everyone, it isn't always easy for me either, but keep in mind an indulgence every now and then should not throw your healthy efforts into a full tailspin. The more you deprive yourself, the more you will desire it - so don't be afraid to give in every once in awhile. In fact, I believe it will help you in the long run.  When I adopted a "normal" diet, eating in moderation, the weight finally came off.  I am not an expert and do not claim to be.  It took me many years to find an approach that worked for me, so I would like to share it with others.  I wish I practiced this approach 10 years ago!

This is where the concept behind Team Fitini was born. Our fit lifestyle is all about moderation. We still like to have fun, dine out and take part in life's little indulgences. In our world, it is ok to have that occasional martini, and guess what, you can still be fit and healthy. Our goal is to motivate others to lead a balanced fit life, eat well and exercise with intensity. We would love to help you achieve that!

So you can allow yourself to indulge every now and then.
Our upcoming blog posts will provide more details around our specific eating habits such as macro nutrient percentages, calorie intake and tracking food consumption.  We hope you find this information helpful and are always available to answer any questions you may have.

If you have any questions or comments about this topic, send us an email at or make comments directly on our blog page

For more information on Team Fitini, visit


  1. For me getting in shape has meant a lifestyle change. I’m riding my bike everywhere and I’m always in a better mood, and have more energy.

  2. Brad, that is great that you have changed your lifestyle for the better. Sometimes is is hard to get started, but once you do, you start feeling the positive effects immediately! --Shannon
